Diameter: 1920 km
SMA: 43.132 AU
Period: 283.4740 years
Eccentricity: 0.19501
Rotation: 0.163146 days
Inclination: 28.22°
Axial tilt: 0°
Mass: 4.006x1024kg
Density: 3000 kg/m³
Gravitation: 0.44 m/s²
Escape velocity: 0.84 m/s
Orbit velocity: 4.48 km/s (mean)
Moons: 2
rock and ice
Haumea was discovered in March 2003 at the Sierra Nevada Observatory in Spain.
The official announcement of its discovery came in 2005, the same year its moons were discovered.
136108 Haumea is a dwarf planet with a diameter of about 1530 km and is the third-brightest object in the Kuiper belt after Pluto and Makemake. It takes Haumea about 283 years for an orbit with a mean distance of 43.132 AU, 28 degrees inclined. Haumea has two satellites, Hi'iaka (310 km wide) and the inner moon Namaka (85 km wide). Haumea rotates once in fast 3.9 hours rendering its strong ellipsoid shape.