Lunar image examples taken with a Celestron 8 XLT, eight-inch (Ø200mm) F10 Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope and planetary CMOS cameras. Undoubtedly, the most important gadget is good seeing with calm air.
Mare Humorum
Stack of 600 frames, 5ms each at gain 172, 170fps, 1.5x drizzled, ZWO ASI290MM, Pro-Planet IR642nm, Celestron 8 XLT, 1x barlow, Mare Humorum 2025-03-11 at 12:35 UTC
Stack of 600 frames, 5ms each at gain 167, 170fps, 1.5x drizzled, ZWO ASI290MM, Pro-Planet IR642nm, Celestron 8 XLT, 1x barlow, Around Iridum 2025-03-11 at 12:30 UTC Full screen
Stack of 600 frames, 5ms each at gain 132, 170fps, 1.5x drizzled, ZWO ASI290MM, Pro-Planet IR642nm, Celestron 8 XLT, 1x barlow, Around Crater Clavius 2025-03-11 at 12:42 UTC Full screen
Stack of 600 frames, 5ms each at gain 177, 170fps, 1.5x drizzled, ZWO ASI290MM, Pro-Planet IR642nm, Celestron 8 XLT, 1x barlow, East is down. 2025-03-11 at 12:47 UTC Full screen
Stack of 600 frames, 5ms each at gain 145, 170fps, 1.5x drizzled, ZWO ASI290MM, Pro-Planet IR642nm, Celestron 8 XLT, 1x barlow, Centered on Crater Clavius 2025-03-10 at 11:15 UTC Full screen
Stack of 600 frames, 5ms each at gain 160, 170fps, 1.5x drizzled, ZWO ASI290MM, Pro-Planet IR642nm, Celestron 8 XLT, 1x barlow, Northern Imbrium 2025-03-10 at 11:11 UTC Full screen
Stack of 600 frames, 5ms each at gain 169, 170fps, 1.5x drizzled, ZWO ASI290MM, Pro-Planet IR642nm, Celestron 8 XLT, 1x barlow, Mare Humorum at Dusk 2025-03-10 at 11:05 UTC Full screen
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