


Monitor Widget

By default this 3x2 cells widget displays current lunar data. Tap on [-1d] or [+1d] to step a day back or forth in time. Tap on [Now] to reset.

Tap on the Lbration data to toggle Subsolar coordinates.

The five numbers at the bottom left from left to right are:

  • Moon age in days
  • Elevation in degrees
  • Illumination in percent
  • Center distance in kilometers
  • Angular size in arc minutes
Tap on each number to confirm.


Slideshow Widget

This 3x3 cells widget is a simple slideshow of the images which are coming with the Lunar Atlas. The images are changing every 10 seconds. Tap on the map icon to go to the next random image. Tap on the feature name to pause the slideshow and tap on the red Stop icon to resume with the next random image. Tap on an image to jump to the Lunar Atlas.

The map icon at the bottom left shows the current displayed feature location on the Moon.






©2025 Requio Web Development.
Contact: requio@astropical.space