API Call: https://www.astropical.space/api-exo.php?which=radius&limit=0.07&format=json
The code below calls JSON formatted exoplanet data using JavaScript and displays it in a table. For simplicity, the code uses jQuery.
API Call: https://www.astropical.space/api-exo.php?which=mass&limit=0.002&format=json
The code below calls JSON formatted exoplanet data using PHP and displays it in a table.
Name | Constellation | Radius [xE] | Mass [xE] | Update |
PSR B1257+12 b | Virgo | 0.019068 | 0.019068 | 2018-12-03 |
Kepler-138 b | Lyra | 0.069916 | 0.069916 | 2023-01-04 |
Barnard e | Ophiuchus | 0.193858 | 0.193858 | 2025-03-10 |
Barnard d | Ophiuchus | 0.263774 | 0.263774 | 2025-03-10 |
K2-266 c | Sextans | 0.289198 | 0.289198 | 2022-10-31 |
Barnard b | Ophiuchus | 0.298732 | 0.298732 | 2025-03-10 |
TRAPPIST-1 h | Aquarius | 0.327334 | 0.327334 | 2022-11-14 |
Barnard c | Ophiuchus | 0.33369 | 0.33369 | 2025-03-10 |
TRAPPIST-1 d | Aquarius | 0.387716 | 0.387716 | 2022-11-14 |
L 98-59 b | Volans | 0.400428 | 0.400428 | 2021-08-23 |
Kepler-138 e | Lyra | 0.42903 | 0.42903 | 2023-01-04 |
KOI-55 b | Cygnus | 0.44492 | 0.44492 | 2014-05-14 |
HD 23472 d | Reticulum | 0.549794 | 0.549794 | 2022-10-03 |
GJ 367 b | Vela | 0.632422 | 0.632422 | 2023-08-10 |