Sunrise: | 06:46 |
Sunset: | 16:37 |
Twilight Begin: | 05:16 |
Twilight End: | 18:08 |
Longitude: |
Moonrise: | |
Moonset: | |
Moon Age: |
North Celestial Pole (α UMi)
Begin | End | |
Morning | 06:29 | 07:25 |
Evening | 15:58 | 16:54 |
Begin | End | |
Morning | 06:18 | 06:29 |
Evening | 16:54 | 17:05 |
Begin | End | |
Civil | 06:18 | 17:05 |
Nautical | 05:46 | 17:37 |
Blue Hour: when the sun is at a depression angle between -4° to -6°
Golden Hour: when the sun is at a depression angle between -4° to +6°
Civil Twilight: when the sun is at a depression angle between 0° to -6°
Nautical Twilight: when the sun is at a depression angle between -6° to -12°
Astronomical Twilight: when the sun is at a depression angle between -12° to -18°