NOTE: You need to log in for the calendar to show correct for your location.
Left side: SUN 🔼 sunrise, 🔽 sunset, 🔸 culmination times, 🎥 golden/blue hours (click to open).
Bottom left: DAY 🌄 twilight duration, 💡 daylight length/constellation, Julian date at noon, Day of year (DOY 1-366) / Week of Year (WOY/ISO), Sidereal time at 00:00, Equation of time.
Center column: MOON 🔼 moon rise, 🔽 set and 🔸 transit times.
Right side: moon phase image (click to enlarge with further data), ꜛ altitude [°] (--.-- denotes below horizon), moon age in days, moon phase [°], constellation.
Moon altitude, moon age, phase, sidereal time, and EOT given for 00:00 LT. Equinox and solstice days are marked in yellow.
Supposed to be a good night for 📷 astro-photography (clouds permitting) / 🐟 for fishing / 💪 strong tidal force.
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