Barely visible to the naked eye, Gliese 667 is a triple-star system in the constellation Scorpius about 23.6 light-years away. Radiating only 1.4% of the Sun's luminosity, component Gliese 667 C, a spectral M-class, 3700°K cool red dwarf, is the smallest star in the system with only around a third of the mass and a fourth of the Sun's radius. It has two known planets from which the second planet 'c' is classified Earth-like with a minimum mass of about 3.8 terran. The planet orbits at a distance of 0.125AU from star C with a period of 28.143 days exhibiting an eccentricity of 0.133. Moving near the hot edge of the habitable zone, the planet receives about 90% (much of that in invisible infrared light) of the light Earth does and is one of the best candidates found to harbor liquid water, potentially supporting life on its surface. From c's surface host star C would have an angular diameter of 1.24° thus appearing 2.3 times the diameter of the Sun.
Image credit: ESO/L. Calçada
Planet Designation | Title | Constellation | Distance | SMA | Period | Mass | Radius | Year | |
1 | Proxima b | Nearest Known Exoplanet | Centaurus | 4.24ly | 0.04856AU | 11.1868d | 1.27⊕ | 2016 | |
2 | Barnard b | Second Closest Known Exoplanet | Ophiuchus | 5.9ly | 0.0229AU | 3.1542d | 3.23⊕ | 2024 | |
3 | Epsilon Eridani b | Asteroid Belts and Controversal Planets | Eridanus | 10.48ly | 3.53AU | 2671d | 245⊕ | 2000 | |
4 | Ross 128 b | Third Closest Known Exoplanet | Virgo | 11.03ly | 0.0496AU | 9.8658d | 1.35⊕ | 2017 | |
5 | Tau Ceti e | Planet Needing Confirmation | Cetus | 11.91ly | 0.538AU | 162.87d | 3.29⊕ | 2017 | |
6 | Luyten's Star b | Only 1.2 Light-Years Away from Procyon | Canis Minor | 12.2ly | 0.091101AU | 18.6498d | 2.89⊕ | 2017 | |
7 | Kapteyn's Star c | Oldest-known Cold Exoplanet | Pictor | 12.76ly | 0.311AU | 121.54d | 4.8⊕ | 2014 | |
8 | Wolf 1061 c | Temperate Super-Earth or Super-Mars | Ophiuchus | 14.04ly | 0.089AU | 17.8719d | 3.41⊕ | 2015 | |
9 | Gliese 3323 b | Little Known in Habitable Zone | Eridanus | 17.54ly | 0.03282AU | 5.3636d | 2.02⊕ | 2017 | |
10 | LTT 1445A b | Planet in Triple Red Dwarf System | Eridanus | 22.5ly | 0.022AU | 5.35876d | 2.2⊕ | 1.18⊕ | 2019 |
11 | Gliese 667C c | Earth-like Planet in Triple Star System | Scorpius | 23.6ly | 0.125AU | 28.14d | 3.71⊕ | 2013 | |
12 | Gliese 1132 b | Heat Planet with Atmosphere | Vela | 39.3ly | 0.0157AU | 1.62893d | 1.66⊕ | 1.19⊕ | 2015 |
13 | Trappist-1 d | Small but Most Earth-like Known Planet | Aquarius | 39.5ly | 0.02227AU | 4.04922d | 0.297⊕ | 0.78⊕ | 2016 |
14 | LHS 1140 b | A Massive Super-Earth Inside Habitable Zone | Cetus | 40.67ly | 0.0946AU | 24.7372d | 6.64⊕ | 1.72⊕ | 2017 |
15 | Gliese 143 b | A Huge Neptunian Around a K-Star | Reticulum | 53.2ly | 0.1915AU | 35.6125d | 30.63⊕ | 2.61⊕ | 2019 |
16 | TOI-270 b | Nearby M-Dwarf Planets | Dorado | 73.23ly | 0.03197AU | 3.36015d | 1.9⊕ | 1.21⊕ | 2019 |
17 | Gliese 3470 b | Evaporating Planet | Cancer | 95.5ly | 0.0355AU | 3.33665d | 13.4⊕ | 4.57⊕ | 2012 |
18 | K2-3 b | Super-Earths Trio in Leo | Leo | 143.9ly | 0.0747AU | 10.0547d | 2.7⊕ | 2.07⊕ | 2015 |
19 | K2-288B b | Detected by Citizen Scientists | Taurus | 226ly | 0.164AU | 31.3935d | 4⊕ | 1.90⊕ | 2018 |
20 | Kepler-186 f | Earth-sized Cold Kepler Planet | Cygnus | 582ly | 0.432AU | 129.944d | 1.4⊕ | 1.16⊕ | 2014 |
Most of the stars introduced on this page are 'Red Dwarfs'. Actually they represent the most common type of stars. About 73% of all stars in the Milky Way galaxy are dim red dwarfs, featuring less than half the solar surface temperature and low luminosity, but in turn high stellar activity, such as flares and hazardous radiation that can hit red dwarf planets hard potentially prohibiting formation of known lifeforms.
Given its minute energy emission, the habitable zone (HBZ, an imaginary ring where temperatures support liquid water) of a red dwarf is situated near the star, as are planets orbiting inside this zone. The gravitational pull of the star can tidally lock a nearby planet which then faces one hemisphere to the star while the other is enshrouded in darkness - like the Earth moon - the axial rotation period equals the orbital period.
Some densely populated systems, such as TRAPPIST-1, have several planets orbiting in close proximity in that an observer on a planet could see other planets larger than our moon in the sky. Also, the planet may have one or multiple moons themselves. In any case a truly impressive spectacle with fast changes.
Due to their low visual luminosity no known red dwarf is visible by the naked eye, not even the nearest such as Proxima Centauri or the solitary Barnard's Star. Others, such as Gliese 667, are triple star systems but anywhere near visual magnitude
Image Credit: NASA/ESA/STScl